Thursday, February 09, 2006

where's my handbasket?

Events have changed, and here I stand, staggering toward an exit.

Not getting into too much detail, let's just say that it's become an advantageous time for me to move in with Boyfriend- not to mention the fact that I seriously can't stand another conversation where I have to defend my choice to continue living with Male Roommate and Female Roommate.

Male Roommate wants to kick Female Roommate out, which would leave just Male Roommate and I: which is fine, we have enough space and money to cover our costs, BUT, Male Roommate is quite concerned that his dating possibilities will be severely limited if he lives with JUST me: there's just no way to comfort the mind of a woman when her boyfriend is living with one other woman. Having just ended a relationship, he's looking to get back into the game, and he's concerned that I might hinder him. That doesn't mean that I need to find a place to live -now- that just means that in April, he wants to make the change- possibly scaling down to a small apartment for just him and his computers.

For me, that means either living alone- which I don't want to do for various reasons, OR living with Boyfriend- which I also have various reasons for wanting to avoid that situation.

The main problem with Boyfriend is that while he makes a great companion, he makes for a terrible lover. We did our normal Tuesday-Thursday thing, and we kissed each other for the first time Wednesday...around 11pm.


Moreover, after a few minutes, he decided to go back to watching episodes of a show on DVD- DVD! He can watch the next episode tomorrow, when I'm not there- not during the only time he has me for the week. Do I really want to deal with that for a long long time?



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