Monday, January 16, 2006

Rolling Eyes, Heads

I've gotten to my last straw with workplace: and that might be because I've found a new workplace. Either way, about 20 minutes before the end of my shift (when I planned on putting in my two weeks), I was called into the office of Employer W. Now, Employer W is a bitch in the highest degree, but I avoid her, and so she doesn't really bother me, but today, we got to butt heads.

Anyway, while I had her full attention (after being told that I'm an eye-roller) I put in my two weeks (woohoo). I think she was taken aback- she surely planned on me saying something to the effect of "yes massah, I do loves to be workin' fo' yah! please lemme keep mah job, massah, oh please."

Instead, she got a "yes, well, I'm giving you my two week notice, anyway." Her eyebrows got all high and archy, and she looked over her glasses at me.

"I didn't mean that this is a problem, we're happy to have you on the team." She gushed.

"I've already found employment elsewhere" I replied, tersely.

"Oh, I- okay. Do you mind telling me why you're leaving?" She questioned.

"This job is not satisfying any of my needs. Physically, I need to be able to cover my bills- especially in the case of illness. Emotionally, I need to work somewhere that isn't stressful. Intellectually, I need something challenging, or at least interesting. Socially, I need to be around people who aren't catty or ignorant. Workplace offers no benefits, minimal pay, loads of stress, monotonous work, and an environment that not only harbors and nurtures gossip but also hate- and I can't really take one more ignorant person telling me that homosexuals are sinful, immoral, damned, an abomination or deserve to die." I shot back.

She sat in stunned silence. I was self-satisfied. Quivering, yes; but also quite self-satisfied.

In other news, Mark wants to see the upcoming Belle and Sebastian show. Blech. But, The New Pornographers will be there- and that should be good enough to make up for B&S


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