Friday, June 23, 2006

Why IS fucking bad?

It’s that time again- time to seriously consider, find, and see a gynecologist. Oh, joy.

So, this morning, I was laying in bed, contemplating everything that I wanted to talk to the doctor about- mostly about getting back on birth control, my irregular periods, and the value of a low-hormone pill. Naturally, that came around the morality of using birth control. I would be lying if I said that the only reason I would use The Pill as a means of regulating my cycles, and so I have to admit that I would most certainly enjoy the benefit of being 99.8% guaranteed that I won’t get pregnant while regularly taking The Pill.

Now, I’m not opposed to birth control on a personal level- in fact, if it were possible, I would put every woman on birth control until they are in stable marriages (or civil unions), capable of caring for a child (emotionally, physically, financially, etc) and good candidates for genetic reproduction. I find that too many retards are procreating at the exact worst moment. Boyfriend has hypothetical objections to birth control- such as the instance in which sperm and egg do meet, but The Pill keeps the happy couple from attaching and growing- somehow, in that case, it’s a little too close to abortion for him. While he is pro-choice for other people, where his sperm is concerned, he is decidedly pro-life (which is why I would be tempted by a secret abortion were I to miraculously conceive). I decided to inform him that this situation (sperm and egg meeting, but being prevented from attaching) is purely theoretical (so says the exceedingly outdated study that I cited to calm him).

Anyway, I’m not bothered by a bunch of cells being flushed down the toilet. Frankly, I’m pretty much cool with any abortion that occurs before the third trimester…and it has recently occurred to me that I am very loose with those morals- my childhood church should be shamed.

All that being said, I very quickly jumped to the morality of pre-marital (and marital) sex. I grew up in a church that taught that all women were whores that set out to tempt men into bed and bring them away from God. Apparently, the men in the church that thought up this doctrine were in some kind of denial, because all of the sex that I saw happening in the singles community in the church was between aggressive males and females afraid to disappoint their superior male partners. Boyfriend was raised Catholic- so not only did he grow up thinking that sex was completely immoral, but premarital sex was the pure work of Satan, and that engaging in said activity should inspire enduring remorse and guilt.

We still don’t get it on very often, and I blame Catholicism for that.

Furthermore, in my musings, I’ve started to wonder if God in the Judeo-Christian sense even exists. Really, I think it’s a bunch of bullshit. I think that the only reason people regard Judaism (and Islam) with any reverence is that Christianity has its roots in Judaism. Moreover, the bible reads a lot like any of the other “myths” that give rise to “false” religions. When you take a step back, and really think about it…Most of the Old Testament reads like Native American legend or Greek Mythology. And I’m pretty much convinced that any and all moral imperatives therefore do not come from some kind of almighty being that arbitrarily decides what is “moral” and what is “immoral,” but rather that the moral imperatives are created by human leaders seeking to maintain power, control a population, and regulate daily life (for better or worse).

When you have a vastly uneducated population, it’s easier to control them with the fear of eternal damnation than to control them with the fear of economic collapse.

So, given this idea, I wondered why all the branches of Christianity are so obsessed with sex, or really, not having sex. Why is it bad? From a biological standpoint, Sex is GREAT because it fulfills the biological imperative that propagates the species. From a relational standpoint, sex is good because it can create such an intimate atmosphere for a couple (but, it is not “GREAT” because so many relationships are harmed by abuses of sex). From a psychological standpoint sex is good for brain chemistry (and isn’t “GREAT” due to the same abuses of sex). It seems, actually, that in every aspect with the major exception of religion, sex is a very good thing.

My thought: in the early days of Judaism (and really, humanity) there was no welfare and no birth control. There was no system to care for bastard children and no system to prevent bastard children from being born. In fact, the social system was set up in such a way that bastard children were more or less guaranteed to starve. With women being worth little more than cattle (or less, depending on how closely you follow Hammurabi’s Code) bastard children had little chance of survival. So, the importance of creating stable family units would seem to be exceedingly important. What better way to tie men to women and their children by forcing men into marriages by making sex only accessible in marriage and outlawing divorce. Women get income, children get dinner, and men get happy penises. Problems solved; especially when men and women are marrying a year or two after puberty (or before puberty, if you are a woman).

I don’t think that getting off before going to bed clouds your judgment or keeps you from being close to God. If anything, it gets rid of sexual tension and anxiety so that you can spend the majority of the day with your head clear and your body free from insatiable lust. Today, couples can avoid pregnancy and disease transmission through the use of condoms or birth control in conjunction with monogamy. This, to me, provides a climate that eradicates the need to regulate the bedroom behaviors of people with the fear of eternal damnation.

As far as I can tell, if I spent all day and night praying and voting republican, I would not be any less damned than the street whore.

That’s not to say that I’m jumping into the dark waters of moral relativism, I’m just saying that I don’t think sex has anything to do with morality if it is between two consenting adults- of any gender and perversion.

All this to say: birth control is really fucking expensive, but I’m sick of irregular periods and the smell of latex.


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