Wednesday, May 31, 2006

1 more day

Here's the thing, I really really really don't believe in all of that fortune-telling crap. I really don't. But, I recently opened a fortune cookie, and the message inside actually came true in a completely pleasant way. I will eat the fortune cookies that come with the take-out more often in hopes that they will all come true- because I am a sucker like that.

Also: in packing, I've been forced to sort through all of my crap (hey! I found all of my socks that were hiding in a shopping bag under my sheets in the dresser!), and usually, that's welcome. But, today while sorting through crap, I came across a few pictures and mementos, and mostly they were incredibly sad. I got quite close to tears.

In other news, I'm also considering deleting this blog- it's been quite cathartic, and I like that no one actually reads this thing, but I'm a devil about privacy. When I move in with Boyfriend, I know that he'll be able to see my internet activity, and I think it might be semi-disastrous if he were to stumble on my bitching stash.

That being said, I'll catch up with some compliments.

Saturday: Despite the fact that I quite obviously hate her, Boyfriend is unwavering in his devotion to Furbeast

Sunday: Boyfriend has excellent taste in friends

Monday: Boyfriend did not drag me along to purchase his new television

Tuesday: Boyfriend has asked me how I feel about every piece of furniture, and takes my advice. Good boy!

Wednesday: When Furbeast
bit me on the face, Boyfriend was rational enough to not blame me.
Thursday: Boyfriend remembered my birthday!
Friday: Boyfriend is a reasonable and rational human.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last night my son pointed out a typo in one of my entries (he was mistaken, the guy I was talking about is actually named 'Klee.') and then went on to talk about my entry about KISS.

Both of those are fairly safe entries as far as my kids are concerned ... I have boys and, well, we talk about BMs more than you would imagine (the 'Klee' entry).

Still, it made me a little concerned about some of the things he might stumble across there.

4:15 PM  

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