Sunday, May 07, 2006

I don't have the biggest worries.

Among other things, Very Good Friend M went in for another check up with her doctor, and they found another mass, this time much larger and in her left breast- large enough to call for a masectomy if it's cancerous.

I told her I would pray for her, and I did...Although I'm 95% positive that the only impact of the prayer is that she knew I was thinking about her.

She's insanely scared, and frankly, I don't know how I would react in her position. It's one thing to be unhappy with your body, but to know that your body is betraying you? Painful, at best.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had heard in the past that people that were prayed for recovered quicker.

Just recently, however, I came across info that said that people who knew they were being prayed for had problems others didn't.

As I puzzled over where I read this I did some News Googling and found this story:

Prayer Link

8:26 AM  
Blogger iconoclastical said...

when i was a christian, frankly, i didn't hold much stock in prayer. i suppose i was the fatalist christian because i secretly believed that if god wanted people to die on operating tables, my puny human prayer meant nothing in the face of the master of the universe.

as for the prayer link: i'm terribly interested in the way the human mind interacts with medicine. they say that laughter and determination often show very positive effects on terminally ill people- and that makes me wonder, if the people who knew they were receiving prayer were as fatalist as i was/am, could they, too have "given up" in the face of being in the hand of the almighty.

i suppose you might be a little more determined to heal if you thought that no one was praying for you, and your health was entirely in the hands of the doctors.

then again, god might be pissed that people are trying to use science to measure his reaction, and he ignored the people involved in the study.

11:35 PM  

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