Wednesday, May 17, 2006

You've Got Exactly 60 Seconds to Kiss Me Like a European

This has been what you can call The Week From Hell.

Every night I fall into bed with every limb aching, only to find that the insomnia offers me no respite from consciousness.

Roommates and I are packing in a crazy, kind of drunk manner. That is to say, there is little planning or forethought in most of the way things are done. So far, my things haven't touched a box, and mostly the smallest and least important things of theirs have been packed.

Let this be said: I hate cats. I hate knickknacks. I especially detest knickknacks featuring cats. Guess what I did for exactly 4 hours and 38 minutes today? That's right, individually wrap cat knickknacks in bubblewrap. I wanted to kill myself.

After that? I sent out all of those resumes and cover letters that I completed last night. With this move is a change in job, and I would like to have that job waiting. However, that does mean papering the town, and if I customize one more self-promoting piece of shit, I really will kill myself. Ugh.

All of my fuss over the apartment has pretty much been cleared up, more than I anticipated. Boyfriend finally heard from the management office- and rather than giving a 30 day notice, they decided to go with a 3 day notice. At least I don't have to worry about being homeless. It does mean that all of the moving will happen quicker, and I might wiggle out of June rent. *Wiggle Wiggle*

So, all of my prospective start dates are bumped up, and the stress shot back up to the previous level.

Naturally, we had jello shots tonight.

I gave myself a manicure, and realized that the last time I had done so, I was living in New Orleans. My cuticles had pretty much grown over the tips of my fingernails. Sexy, I know.

All of that being said, I realized that the last compliment I gave was on Monday, May 8th. Holy crap, behind!

Tuesday: Boyfriend has an interesting personal style and set of tastes.
Wednesday: But thankfully, he is willing to let me do the decorating.
Thursday: And moreover, finance my tastes...Which are surprisingly cheap.
Friday: Boyfriend has been diligent in setting up all of the details of the apartment
Saturday: And he hasn't handed anything off to me to take care of.
Sunday: Boyfriend is not one of those frat boy types who needs to have penis contact allthetime
Monday: Boyfriend is willing to spend an entire date day playing board games with me
Tuesday: Despite the problem I had with losing the last album he gave me, he gave me a second chance and lent me another album
Wednesday: And he's gotten good at pinpointing what I'll like, and found an artist that I ended up really enjoying.



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