Sunday, May 07, 2006

I need a worry stone

I've been trying really hard to post every day so that I don't get behind on compliments. The point of the project is to make me reflect on a unique reason for why I care for Boyfriend every day- but sometimes, when I stare at the blinking cursor after, say, four days of not updating, I get mad at him for not being so obvious with his good qualities. In that moment, not only have I forgone 4 days of unique contemplation about his positive traits, but I have also turned what should have been a very calm and soothing moment into 20 minutes of grumbling about how I've already said all that I can- which isn't true...I just need to think harder and update more frequently.

Anyway, that being said, I've had a really good reason for not updating. My sim people wanted 10 children, and I complied. They also wanted to be business tycoons, and I just can't refuse them. If you don't know what I'm talking about, spare yourself the agony of wanting to be God, and DON'T purchase any of The Sims software.

Truth be told, it's because my stress level is through the roof. Boyfriend lives in an apartment that reminds me of a college campus- right down to the laundry rooms and "free" aerobics classes. When moving to a new apartment, if you already live in the complex, you simply tell them when you want to move and where you want to move, and the magic real estate fairies do something to make it happen. Boyfriend has chosen the most desirable (read: expensive) apartment for us. He needs this magical living space to be on the first floor (because sound travels down, and his at-home studio is a noise machine) and because he doesn't even want to think about moving furniture up flights of stairs. He also would like this magic living space to face south so as to have access to satellite television and radio. Of course, he also wants it to face away from the street (he wants privacy from drivers and passersby), the ponds (the geese disturb FurBeast) and the forrest preservey thing (there are regularly hikers and bikers on the trail that passes at the edge and allows for zero privacy). He also needs this to open up before July 1 (frankly, June 15th).

Amazingly, there is one that meets all qualifications EXCEPT, it's having maintenance work done, and he doesn't know when that work will be complete. Now, Boyfriend will have a full 30 days of notice after the apartment is completely finished- so he will have enough time to box every last item and have everything ready to move. HOWEVER, I *need* to know that I have a place to sleep after June 15th. The apartment I live in has 4 of my roommate's evil, evil cats, and the place has to be properly de-furred and disinfected by the 30th, including time to let the carpets dry after they've been cleaned.

Today is May 7th. Let's pretend the work is done tomorrow, and Boyfriend is clear to move into the new place June 8th. That means the first week of June, I sill spend my time packing his stuff up and moving it. After that, Roommates' want to be completely moved out of this apartment June 15th, and so I can guarantee that the time between June 9th and June 15th will be completely dedicated to their excessive collection of cat posters, computer peripherals, and other odds and ends of crap they refuse to ditch. This will leave me exactly 3 days to pack all of my crap and move it, because they want to scrub all surfaces starting on the 19th, so they will have two days to clean before the carpet cleaner is scheduled to visit.

Let's be realistic: Boyfriend would have to get confirmation of the apartment *tomorrow*
Let's be realistic. For every day after tomorrow that Boyfriend does not hear from the rental office, I get progressively more fucked. Frankly, Boyfriend has crammed a 3 bedroom apartment amount of crap into a 1 bedroom apartment...And we're only moving into a 2 bedroom apartment. Granted, I don't come with a lot of crap, but I can tell you right now that my crap with absolutely not fit in his current apartment.

Male Roommate and Female Roommate are moving into a three bedroom apartment, and Male Roommate has made the promise that if the apartment issue with Boyfriend fucks me over, He doesn't have any problem letting me stay with them *for free* until I am able to move.

I guess the reason this can't all happen quickly is because a) I promised Roommates that I would help to the best of my ability to get them moved and b) I foresee a complete disaster in Boyfriend's move, and that can't be complicated by my stuff- my entire job will probably be helping to carry heavy stuff and keeping Boyfriend from going into a complete mental breakdown.

I wonder if I could kill his cat "on accident" while carrying one of the heavy things? I hope so. I hate her.

The point is, for everyone involved, the moving of my stuff is the last priority, and I'm very concerned that after working my ass off to get everyone else moved, Boyfriend won't have the time to cart my crap to his apartment, and Roommates will be busy settling in and working.

So that whole story is to explain that my level of stress has put me at a breaking point, and making computer people do silly things to entertain my inane sense of humor (like making punk-looking teenagers do what appears to be the electric slide) has only served to calm me down and bring me back from the breaking point.


compliment time.

Friday: Boyfriend is not clingy, and does not feel as though he can't participate in a social event without me.
Saturday: While he prefers film, Boyfriend has excellent taste in literature.
Sunday: Boyfriend has enough self confidence to go to a Democratic Party pot-luck dinner with people he has never met- alone.


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