Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Feeling Calm

I spent the weekend with Boyfriend, and it was probably the first weekend together when the weather was warm. Naturally, Boyfriend hurt himself, and could only walk 10 feet at a time.

While we were sitting on the bench in front of his apartment building, he mentioned something about being like the elderly couple that had just walked into the building. I'm not exactly sure how many times I've told Boyfriend that talk of such a future is beyond scary to me.

Does anyone really know how well a hipster will age?

This sounds retarded for the length of time that we've been together, but this weekend was the first time I let him hold my hand while we walked about. It was mostly sympathy for his pain, and would otherwise have maintained my "you cannot touch me without explicit permission and closed blinds" attitude. He really did look pathetic.

All that being said, it's time to hand out compliments.

Friday: Boyfriend is guarded with his words and emotions toward me- and that, dear reader[s] is a relief.
Saturday: Boyfriend has big feet. *wink*
Sunday: Boyfriend enjoys a lazy Sunday laying in bed reading the paper.
Monday: Boyfriend is a devoted partner who is not afraid to coax me out of my shell.

P.S. I really hate his cat. In fact, I hate all cats. I hate every last mongrel.


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