Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Today was a stressful day, and I'm happy to see that it's over.

All of this should be prefaced with the fact that I have decided -for sure- that I will move in with Boyfriend by June 31st. That's when my lease ends...And I've made my decision.

That being said, I'm going to need a car. My pedestrian lifestyle cannot be supported in his town, and he's not really interested in carting my ass around. Naturally, I've been packratting every last dime, because while Boyfriend has the means and the desire to buy a second car (a new one for him, leaving me with his old one) I can't in good conscience pull off that kind of gold-digging activity. Plus, if there is ever a time that we need to divide our possessions...I will be left stranded.

So, I've come to more closely notice when the cash flow is a little...Cho

Today, I was stuck with a lunch shift at Workplace, and I've noticed that with lunch shifts, the money is always bad. There are only two people who eat out at fairly upscale dining facilities on a Wednesday: ladies who lunch and businessmen.

Both are bad tippers: women are notoriously bad, and ladies who lunch are worse...Maybe because they spent all of their money on Jimmy Choos...Or maybe because they don't understand the concept of tipping, and having lived a life of leisure, they don't understand how much it hurts me when they don't. They also like to sit around, which keeps me from turning the table over to someone who will tip. Business men are a gamble. Some have the kind of money and time that allow them to sit about for long periods of time...Others want to get in, eat, and get out. Some are good tippers, but most are bad. Today was a bad tip day, and I felt it.

Boyfriend also has had a string of tough days, most recently experiencing a hold-up in the launching of his record label: two of his flagship artists need money up front. One artist, now to be called Diego, is rather reasonable, and is only asking for the amount of money necessary to keep him in a studio for three months. Boyfriend has prepared to front that money on the condition that he see how the money is spent, and that it definitely goes to the studio or costs associated with the album. The other artist, now to be known as Hans, wants and OBSCENE amount of money...Enough, we calculated, to keep him in the studio for three months, and pay his living expenses for a year, and buy a luxury vehicle. He considers this album to be a commissioned piece of art.

He very much considers himself to be the modern day da Vinci.


Just because you run around creating art for money while others have the sneaking, yet unconfirmed suspicion that you are gay, that doesn't mean you are a modern day master. But really, no one cares about his alleged love of cock, they're far more concerned about his alleged love of crack. That's totally unconfirmed, and I have no proof, I'm just saying there are concerns that have been floating around the Chicago art scene.

All of that being said, Boyfriend is willing to front 3 months of studio time and 3 months of rent and living expenses. He is not, however, willing to throw money at a man who will not confirm how he spends the money and will not do a thing until he receives all of the money up front.

I advise that he put money on Diego, and take the money he would have put on Hans, and use that to start pressing his own albums to be re-released on the label. Enter another problem: while Boyfriend has been close friends with the owner of the label that released his previous albums, the owner, Max, cannot allow Boyfriend to re-release his own work. It turns out that when he sold the album rights to Max, Max in turn sold the album rights to a third party (in the name of making more money for all involved) and that third party refuses to release the rights to those albums.


So, instead, I'm trying to convince him to use that money to pick up smaller, less demanding artists that need a label (or a US label) and have potential.

He's mulling, but really was hoping the Hans will check his demands and adjust to a more reasonable amount- especially because Boyfriend would allow him to keep the rights to the songs.

All of that boils down to a halt in the label process, and the launch has been postponed indefinitely, not that it's a problem. With the move and work and other stressful issues, Boyfriend has enough on his plate, and I think that I would have ended up doing a retarded amount of label repping bitch work this summer had the launch occurred the first week of June, as planned.

On that note: my birthday is the first week of June, and I was not terribly thrilled with the concept of spending my birthday week calming his nerves while he dealt with the launch.

Anyway, all that being said, it's time for a compliment for Boyfriend: He has the kind of ambition that I really admire. He doesn't want to be the most successful, he wants to do what pleases him and be as happy as possible.


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