Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Remember all four of us in your tiny car?

I am not one to cheat. I never will be. I've had the distinct "pleasure" of being on the other side of the situation, and I don't think I could ever subject my partner to that kind of heartbreak.

That being said, I've been mentally stewing over someone who is not Boyfriend for...maybe 3 months. Not long in the scheme of things, too long for me.

This man, now to be marked M28 (after an obscure inside joke), is extremely similar to Boyfriend- right down to long hair, progressive politics, fiscal sensibilities, extensive music history, class and nerdiness.

This makes him the perfect object of my affection. Moody, brilliant, prone to depressing political musings over expensive beer- if I could have been sure that he could do differential equations with me, I might have gone home with M28.

Alas, M28 is in New Orleans, and I am not, anymore...for now. So I can only read and listen about his adventures and romanticize him. The problem is that I understand that I have romanticized him. His moaning and bitching really gets on my nerves, and it often comes off as though he's trying to impress people- and I don't like that quality in a man.

I could go on and on, but let's suffice to say that for every word that comes out of his mouth, I simultaneously wish that I had taken him seriously when we casually saw each other (in a few very very uncomfortable double un-dates with his friend, M27, and my druggie friend, Special K), and I am quite glad that I avoided the git. Mostly I didn't because I had other priorities, namely Ex-Boyfriend J. Either way, it wouldn't have worked out with either with 1000 miles of separation.

I'm not exactly sure what's going on with me, but I think I might just be going crazy. Either way, I do have to shake this very strange attraction to a man I haven't seen in a year and a half.

...and I've realized that I like the ugly ones best.


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